Best NBA Player Props and Prop Bets For Tonight

Last Updated: Apr 10, 2023
Fact Checked By: Paul Shapiro

One of the most popular NBA betting markets is NBA player props. Contrary to your traditional NBA betting markets, like moneylines, point spreads, and totals, player props aren't tied to the outcome of an NBA game. Rather, NBA player prop bets are tied to an individual player's performance within a specific statistical category.

Everything you need to know about NBA prop betting is covered in this NBA player props betting guide. This includes what player prop bets are, how they work, and the many different sports betting markets you can bet on. Read on for info on NBA player props today.

Betting NBA Player Props Today

When it comes to betting on NBA player props today, you can wager on a variety of different player prop bet types. These include NBA prop betting on a player's total points, rebounds, or assists. You can even bet on how many threes a player will have in an NBA game.

Knowing what the NBA prop betting options are and how they work is a great way to give yourself an edge when you place your next wager on NBA player props. To find the best NBA prop bets today, be sure to check out RotoWire's NBA betting page.


Points are the most common NBA player prop wagered on. A points prop bet is a bet on the number of points a player scores in a game. The typical line on an NBA points player prop matches up to the average points per game of that player.

For example, a Jayson Tatum points prop is set at 28.5 points. His points per game average is within a point or two of that number. You can wager on the over or the under on this point total with -115 odds on both sides.


Betting the over/under on the number of assists a player has in a game is another popular NBA player prop. If Jamal Murray's assists line is set at 6.5 and you think he will tally seven or more assists in tonight's game, then bet on the over. You can often find differing odds on the same stat, so shopping for the best odds on assists NBA player props is recommended.


Another top NBA prop bet is a player's rebounds. Once again, you are NBA prop betting on a player to go over or under the total line. For example, Julius Randle averages 10.5 rebounds per game. His rebounds NBA player prop tonight is lined at 10.5. So if you think Randle will net at least 11 boards, then the over is the sports betting prop market to bet on. If you predict 10 or fewer, then take the under.


Threes is another stat that is one of the most commonly bet NBA player props. The over/under for the number of 3-pointers a player will make typically ranges from 0.5 up to 4.5. For example, Damian Lillard's over/under on threes is 4.5 while Nikola Jokic is 0.5. Be sure to shop for the best NBA player prop odds as well, as you'll see -108 odds and -115 odds on the same prop bet on different sportsbooks.


You can also try your hand in NBA prop betting on blocks. The over/unders in this stat category are lower than most as only a few players average more than two blocks per game. Most of the blocks NBA player props tonight have a line of 0.5. The odds on blocks player props are wide ranging, sitting anywhere from -500 to +500 odds on any given night.


Steals is another stat you can bet NBA player props on. The highest you'll see a line is 1.5 as the league leader sits around 2.0 steals per game. NBA prop betting on steals is most often a yes or no proposition as most players have a 0.5 over/under line. The odds are wide ranging, going from -250 to +250, depending on the player.


Yes, you can bet on whether or not a player will have a turnover in the NBA prop betting market as well. This NBA player prop is fun to bet on for the opponent of your favorite team. Over/unders for turnovers range from 0.5 to 4.5, with odds anywhere from -250 to +250.


NBA prop betting doesn't stop at points, rebounds, and assists. You can also bet the over/under on special lines that include prop combinations, including the total points + rebounds + assists a player accumulates in an NBA game.

Best NBA Player Props Betting Tips

When it comes to the best NBA prop betting tips, research is king. There is a lot of information to help you bet on player props, including overall player trends, how a player performs against a specific opponent, and player health. Taking a player's home and away splits into account is another factor to consider when placing NBA prop bets.

Other betting tips for NBA props include recent performance, if a player is on a back to back, and targeting NBA player props in games with high point totals.

Exploiting specific matchups is another way to thrive when betting on NBA prop bets today. For example, the Orlando Magic struggle against 3-point shooting forwards. Betting NBA props on threes for forwards playing against the Magic should thus be a good NBA player prop bet.

Check Trends For NBA Player Props And Picks

When you are looking for the best NBA player props tonight, always check for trends that correlate with a bet you want to place.

Using trends is a great way to help predict the probability of an NBA prop bet hitting or missing. For example, if a player has scored an average of 15.5 points per game against his upcoming opponent and his points line is set at 18.5 points, then taking the under would be the best bet for that market.

Of course, there are other factors to consider as well. Using the same example from above, that player's line could be at 18.5 points, three points above his average, because another starter is set to miss the game due to injury. In that scenario, predicting an expanded role could make you want to buck the trend and bet on the over.

Checking trends when NBA prop betting is helpful, no matter the stat you place a wager on. With so many stats to choose from, the best NBA prop bets on the board change throughout the season.

Where To Find The Best NBA Prop Bets Today

The best NBA prop bets today can be found at all of the best NBA betting sites. You can try NBA prop betting on points, rebounds, and assists at these top-rated NBA sportsbooks.

Below are the sign-up promo codes to use to bet on NBA player props tonight.

How To Bet On NBA Player Props Tonight

Once you have an NBA sports betting account, it's time to bet on NBA player props.

Start by clicking on the NBA icon on the sportsbook app you plan to use for NBA prop betting. Then, select the NBA game with the points, rebounds, or assists NBA player prop you want to bet on. Choose your wager amount and lock in your best NBA player props for tonight.

NBA Player Props FAQ

How do NBA player prop bets work?


An NBA player prop bet is a sports betting market that is not tied to the outcome of a game. Instead, it focuses on an individual player's statistical performance within a particular category. To bet on an NBA player prop bet, you need to predict the over or under on stats such as points, assists, rebounds, and threes.

Where to find NBA player props?


NBA player props can be found at all of the best legal online sports betting sites. You can bet on NBA player prop bets for a specific game by clicking on the individual game tab for the market you want to bet on. Some of the top sportsbooks for NBA player props include BetMGM, Caesars Sportsbook, and DraftKings Sportsbook.

What are good NBA player prop bets?


Good NBA player prop bets are wagers on the amount of points, rebounds, or assists a player will tally in a specific game for a specific stat. If you handicap well for NBA points player props, then those prop bets are good for you. On the other hand, if your strength is capping rebounds markets, then those should be your focus when NBA prop betting.

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Anthony Cervino
Contributor since June 2022
Anthony is an NFL Writer and Betting Analyst for The Game Day. He is also a lifelong NFL savant and self-proclaimed league historian. In the industry, Anthony has excelled in both the fantasy football and sports betting space, including a top-three finish in an FFPC BestBall tournament (2021). Anthony has made appearances on SiriusXM, amongst other publications. He is also the co-creator of the FF Faceoff (Faceoff Sports Network) and the FF Faceoff Mental Health Podathon partnered with the Hayden Hurst Foundation. Industry Clout: Top-15 ranker in the FantasyPros ECR (2019, 2021), including second at quarterback and third at tight end (2021) . Eighth most accurate ranker in the FantasyPros ECR for sleepers (2020) -- 13th most accurate ranker in the FantasyPros ECR.
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